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Is Britney Spears alluding to a new album in her latest Instagram post? Fans seem to think so

Twisted Elegance? I'm intrigued.

Is Britney Spears alluding to a new album in her latest Instagram post? Fans seem to think so

Singer Britney Spears attends the 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards at the Beverly Hilton on April 12, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California.

(Photo credit should read VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)

It's no secret musicians love connecting with their fans. After all, if it weren't for the fans, musicians would have a difficult time reaching the height of success they anticipated. One celebrity who understands this better than anyone is Britney Spears. Spears' Instagram posts have garnered a lot of attention throughout the years, but it's her latest post that has fans scratching their heads.

On Tuesday, the songstress posted several photos on Instagram, all referencing to the color red in the caption.

"Twisted Elegance … introducing RED," Spears wrote, captioning a collective of photos of herself in a black lace top, turquoise bra, biker shorts and fishnets stockings. Considering there wasn't an ounce of red within any of the photos, fans were left to wonder if Spears was sending a cryptic message with her caption.

This wouldn't be the first time Spears sent her fans cryptic messages through her Instagram posts. In fact, there's an entire podcast dedicated to encrypting Spears' post, cleverly titled: Britney's Gram: The Podcast. The podcast, created and hosted by Tess Barker and Barbara Gray, dedicates each episode to dissecting one of Spears' posts.

It's actually incredibly illuminating.

Spears has been under a conservatorship controlled by her father, Jamie Spears, since 2008, granting him legal right to make decisions regarding her personal finances. In the recent Hulu documentary, 'Framing Britney Spears', both Barker and Gray were interviewed by the New York Times to discuss their podcast, and how it eventually led the worldwide #FreeBritney movement.

"The comedy of the podcast, we thought, would derive from us taking something so mundane incredibly seriously. So we really intended it to be, maybe not quite satire, but a comedic kind of take, because we thought, "How ridiculous to do a deep dive on someone's Instagram feed," Barker said in an interview with The Los Angeles Times

"I think our audience was aware to a certain extent of the questionable nature of the conservatorship. And I think we didn't know it yet, but there was a certain je ne sais quoi in those posts that drew us in. We didn't know what we were looking at yet, but something was off. And I think that is sort of what compelled us to examine it so closely." Barker added.

Moments after Spears posted the pictures, fans immediately began making their own conclusions. One fan wrote: "Twisted Elegance would be a great album title."

Britney Spears documentary sheds light on #FreeBritney movement, examines misogyny in the

Many fans also commented how Spears might've been referencing Janet Jackson's 'The Velvet Rope' album in her photos. Spears has yet to elaborate on her recent posts, so it's unclear if she's promoting a new project, or if her post is void of any meaning. Spears later posted a third photo, which depicts a close-up shot of a pair of lips covered in red lipstick, along with two fingernails adorned with red nail polish.

The caption for that photo was: "RED 💋💋💋"

Could Spears be alluding to a new album? One can only hope!

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