The one work productivity method that actually works wonders for me—and it involves a timer
How to make the most of your time while working from home.

If you're anything like me, you might have felt that working from home has its ebbs and flows.
For one, you can work from the comfort of your own home or now, since restrictions are somewhat lifted in the United States ( I'm in New York City), you could go to a coffee shop if you want to change your scenery.
On the other hand, working from home can have its pitfalls because it can be easy to be distracted by your phone, television, or outside noises.
Essentially, productivity can easily fly out of the window.
But how can it be easier to make the most out of the day while working from home?
For months, I asked myself this question, figuring out the most effective way to do it.
I tried various things, such as listening to lo-fi music courtesy of Chilled Cow's live streams on YouTube or moving myself to a different location in my home to "change" the vibe.
Some of those things would work for a short amount of time, but then I felt myself becoming distracted all over again.
However, on one miraculous day, I stumbled across a technique that prompted my curiosity. And once I tried it, I've never felt more productive.
The method in question is the "TomatoTimer."
What is the TomatoTimer?
Also known as the Pomodoro Technique(which is the Italian word for tomato) method, it is a method that uses a timer to help carve out more time in the day to keep up with all the daily to-dos.
Here are the steps:
1.Set a timer for 25 minutes and then focus on one single task for that duration of time until the timer beeps.
2.When the session comes to a close, mark off that completed task.
3. Next, take a five-minute break to scroll social media or make a coffee.
4. After completing four cycles of the Pomodoro, take a longer break of 10-30 minutes.
An app and website are also available to aid the process as well.
Who created the method?
The technique was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, a university. He was having a difficult time focusing on his work and finishing assignments.
Because he was feeling overwhelmed, he decided to take 10 minutes to focus on studying actively.
Further encouraged by this challenge, he encountered a tomato-shaped kitchen timer that birthed the technique's name.
Why are the intervals not longer than 25 minutes?
Per the site, twenty-five minutes is short enough to work on a task and not feel the woes of burnout. It's also sufficient enough to take on tasks that might not be the most inspirational.
"Having each Pomodoro 25 minutes long helps to create a sense of urgency when working on the task. This time frame isn't super long, so once you begin, you know you need to work hard on the task because the 25 minutes is going to end soon," the site reads.
Ultimately, it's a fun and innovative way to get the most out of the day, all while feeling better about all of the things accomplished.
For more information, check out the website here.