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The one work productivity method that actually works wonders for me—and it involves a timer

How to make the most of your time while working from home.

The one work productivity method that actually works wonders for me—and it involves a timer
person holding dual bell alarm clock reading at 12:14 o' clock

If you're anything like me, you might have felt that working from home has its ebbs and flows.

For one, you can work from the comfort of your own home or now, since restrictions are somewhat lifted in the United States ( I'm in New York City), you could go to a coffee shop if you want to change your scenery.

On the other hand, working from home can have its pitfalls because it can be easy to be distracted by your phone, television, or outside noises.

Essentially, productivity can easily fly out of the window.

But how can it be easier to make the most out of the day while working from home?

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