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Yes, you can still contract an STI when using a condom. Here's how

I always believed condoms prevented the spread of all STDs and STIs. Turns out I was very wrong.

Yes, you can still contract an STI when using a condom. Here's how

person holding a condom in their hand

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

With the evolution of technology, individuals are fortunate to have continuous amounts of information at their disposal. With that being said, it's safe to assume our knowledge is always expanding. For example, what we thought to be true five year ago, may not be true today, and vice versa. While expanding our knowledge should be considered crucial, it can also lead to loads of confusion.

Especially when you've been taught to believe something your entire life, which later turns out to be false. Case and point: the belief that all STIs can be prevented by using a condom.There numerous myths surrounding sex education, all of which exceed the number which I can count on all fingers. Regardless, I always believed condoms prevented the spread of all STDs and STIs.

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