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How endurance can lead you to a positive place

Growth is possible.

How endurance can lead you to a positive place
woman looking at cliffs while ocean waves are pounding it during daytime
Student of Final year IT at university of Sindh

How much should we allow ourselves to endure?

I've been thinking about this question for a long time. Now, something needs to be done. Tolerance is a way to deal with hardships gently, such as being around someone that hurts you. Everyone faces a variety of challenges, but everyone has their own way of dealing with the pain. As such, every situation should be confronted with patience.

If anyone gets stuck in a counterproductive cycle, try to understand why that is to become stronger. It is important to realize that each person is different and has their own identity and characteristics. Once understood, endurance is increased, making it easier to understand each other's point of view.

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I wholeheartedly recognize that life as we know it right now may come with its challenges, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what.

The results of endurance to get to a positive place are promising; although the fruitage of the situation could be unpleasant, it should not lead to the loss of self-control, just growth.

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