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Embrace your crown: A poem about accepting the natural beauty of your hair

My curly hair is beautiful and acceptable.

Embrace your crown: A poem about accepting the natural beauty of your hair

the wall

@Denese Duran82
Denese Duran is Ceo of Podcasters Unlimited, a podcasts production network and consultancy.The company also produces its own podcast of the same name, Podcasters Unlimited: A Podcast for Podcasters. Denese has gone on to found the Podcasters of NJ a podcast incubator to assist for podcasters with growing their knowledge of the industry and equipping them to host and produce podcasts for themselves or others.In her career, Denese works in the social work field on is on the path to receiving her master’s degree in social work from Kean University in New Jersey.
Denese Duran

Hair expression could be described as the ultimate beauty, exemplified in feminine energy.

However, having coily, wavy, curly, or wiry hair is considered troublesome to most, unlikely jubilated and implicitly limited in its appeal.

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