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In a post-Brexit world, who will win and lose from each new trade agreement?

UK traders or financial service providers may benefit, but how do we redistribute profits from the winners to individuals and communities who lose their jobs and local industries?

In a post-Brexit world, who will win and lose from each new trade agreement?
person holding white Samsung Galaxy Tab
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

We need new trade agreements and trading blocs with every other country to replace the one we had in place as EU members in a post-Brexit world. A stream of government announcements regarding new agreements about this occured, but who is scrutinising them?

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) provide advantages to producers in low wage, low tax, low-cost economies - tending to cost production jobs in the UK. UK traders or financial service providers may benefit, but how do we redistribute profits from the winners to individuals and communities who lose their jobs and local industries?

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Hazy proposals for 'retraining' and redeveloping post-industrial sites as fulfillment and distribution centres won't do it. Maybe if the affluent knew they were going to have to share their profits and not just write off those with less economic backing as collateral damage, they would've probably been able to make more sustainable decisions in the first place.

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