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Twitter is hating on Kylie Jenner's GoFundMe plug and we have thoughts

Twitter was quick to criticize Jenner for encouraging fans to donate to a GoFundMe campaign to cover her makeup artist's medical expenses after he "underwent major surgery,."

Twitter is hating on Kylie Jenner's GoFundMe plug and we have thoughts

Kylie Jenner attends The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2019 in New York City.

(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

If social media has proven anything, it's that everyone is going to have an opinion about everything, and not all of it is going to be positive. A perfect example of this would be Kylie Jenner's new GoFundMe plug. Twitter was quick to criticize Jenner for encouraging fans to donate to a GoFundMe campaign to cover her makeup artist's medical expenses after he "underwent major surgery,."

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