How I learned not to be over-consumed by a rigid routine
As long as we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and our finances are in order, we feel our "happiest". However, we know that that's not always the truth.

Many of us are productive members of society with set routines and schedules for how our days will pan out. We wake up, wash our faces, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and prepare ourselves for the workday and week ahead. Although it's fantastic to have a set routine and schedule for how or when things are done, it can also seem a little uneventful and monotonous, hence how I sometimes feel about my own routine.
Ever since childhood, I've always had a sense of routine from the time school starts, to when I did my homework, to dinner time being promptly at 5:00 pm, the list goes on. The routine provided me with the basis of responsibility, which I am eternally grateful for, but at times I feel like there's something more out there. For the longest time, I wanted to just focus on classical piano and reading as many novels as I could a week, but time constraints and responsibilities limited that for me.
I wanted to break the mold to not over-consume and lose myself in such a strict routine.
Now that I've gotten older, I understand that creating a new life for yourself shouldn't just be a dream. It should be something that is proactively towards getting closer to your ultimate desires, whether it's starting that haircare company, nail polish line, or restaurant that you've always mentioned.
I realized that subconsciously speaking, there will be something in the back of your mind that tells you to reach for the stars and venture out of what has become the ordinary facets of life. So if you take a step back to look at the bigger picture from an objective lens, it'll be easier to create a desired lifestyle.
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Now I know that you may think that the routine you have is difficult to break because you've adopted it as law, but when you continuously believe that this is the only way or impossible to change, it will be harder to see the other options.
If you don't change these thoughts and habits, it will be harder to manifest favorable outcomes in your physical life. Significant transformation starts with the mind. But let's face it, it feels so comfortable and safe to stay with what we know. It helps us go through life without having to worry about any bumps or disruptions.
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As long as we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and our finances are in order, we feel our "happiest". However, we know that that's not always the truth. There is an inherent desire to do more, but it is then just categorized as "dreams" or something that we wish to happen for ourselves, but we don't delve into it too much.
Even though it may not happen overnight, my best advice to anyone reading this is that if you start to think outside of the box and diminish the idea of "just getting by," you will begin to see significant changes in your life for the better.
Just take a moment to listen to your heart. The possibilities are endless!
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