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A response to "An open letter to the U.S. Capitol rioters"

What's happening within the nation is enough to make us wary of the state of our democracy.

A response to "An open letter to the U.S. Capitol rioters"
white concrete building under clear blue sky

One of the most intriguing things about this whole post was that it is relevant to the times, although fictional. The post centers around a grandmother mustering up the courage to write a letter to her grandson who was involved with the rioters from last week's atrocity of a day at Capitol Hill and the concerns many people felt once the news broke of this matter.
The letter encapsulated the same feelings many of us might have felt on that day—disappointment and shock that something like this could even be a reality within the United States. And to see this from the perspective of a grandmother that lived away from her grandson while reflecting on family life, upbringing and hardship made it more compelling to read.
It made me think about the families that could have experienced the reality of living in Washington, D.C. when all of this transpired or have family members who live or work there. What's happening within the nation is enough to make us wary of the state of our democracy.

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Can tech help female entrepreneurs break the bias?

Women founders continue to come up against common challenges and biases

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How am I doing as a parent?
Mum of two, bar manager, and lover of wine. And tequila.

Some time ago, I met my lovely friend for a drink, straight off the train from London. She told me about a very intense performance review she had at work recently, which, although scary, was incredibly useful; it gave her a general sense of how she was doing and areas to work on.

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