How Biden's all-female communications staff will alter US politics forever
Witnessing the immense feminine power Biden is bringing to his administration is enough to curb the anxiety I've encountered during the last four years.

Joe Biden has broken numerous barriers since securing the U.S. presidency. With permission to finally move forward with the transitional phase of his presidency (an evident sign of Trump admitting defeat), Biden has kept his word on restoring America to a more unified and diverse nation. On Sunday, Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris announced they would be electing an all-women staff to their White House senior communications team.
This is a first in U.S. history.
Among the elected women are Janet Yellen as treasury secretary (the first woman to hold the role), Jen Psaki as White House press secretary, Kate Bedingfield as White House communications director, Karine Jean-Pierre as principle deputy press secretary and Pili Tobar as deputy White House communications director. In addition, Ashley Etienne will become communications director for Vice President-elect Kamala Harris once she is sworn in.
"These qualified, experienced communicators bring diverse perspectives to their work and a shared commitment to building this country back better," Biden said in a statement.
Witnessing the immense feminine power Biden is bringing to his administration is enough to curb the anxiety I've encountered during the last four years. From electing the first female Vice President, to bidding farewell to a xenophobic president, 2021 is shaping up to be a good year. However, I don't want to get ahead of myself.
I said the exact same thing about 2020 and look how that turned out.
Although 2021 may or may not be the year the nation bounces back to normalcy, we're definitely on track with the new administration. Since winning the election, Biden appears to be working harder during his transitional period than Trump did within his entire four years as president.
But it's more than that.
Male politicians have expressed the importance of electing more women to positions of power, but seldom do anything significant about it. It's refreshing to see a candidate serious about elevating women within politics. Biden has always emphasized his stance on promoting more women to leadership roles. Witnessing him actually do so is not only important for this country, but the overall future of U.S. politics.
The more we normalize the notion of female leaders within our country, the more it becomes a possibility. Young girls are watching history being made with our first female Vice President, and thinking to themselves, "that could be me someday." But it doesn't just end with politics.
It's not as if we're not striving for leadership roles. In fact, women have demanded a seat a the table for generations. Whether you work in publishing or technology, the roles catered to women are scare. However, that's quickly changing thanks to the numerous opportunities beginning to blossom.
As much as I wish these changes came sooner, it's nice to see headway being made in regards to female inclusion within the workplace. Better late than never, right?