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What Trump acting like a 6-year-old and refusing to concede will mean for Biden's transition

President Trump Delivers Remarks at the Pentagon | President… | Flickr

It's official.

After waiting numerous days to discover who won the presidential election, between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, the news was finally announced. On Saturday, America woke up to news that Joe Biden would be the 46th President of the United States of America.

That alone issued widespread celebration throughout the nation. Although it's fantastic news to celebrate, it does't quite put an end to the horrific chapter of American history known as the Trump administration. Thanks to Trump accepting defeat like a 6-year-old child, the Biden administration is in for a turbulent transition.

The U.S. Constitution states that a president's term ends precisely at noon on January 20th. Until then, Trump retains presidential authority and therefore has the power and motivation to make Biden's transition into the White House more challenging. On Monday, Attorney General William Barr, infamous for using his position of power to advance Trump's political goals, mentioned he would examine the allegations of voting fraud before states certify results come Dec. 14th, which is when the Electoral College makes their final decision.

However, Attorney General Barr's memo didn't actually provide any substantial evidence of fraud. Sadly, Trump's pawns can't - or won't - see these heinous allegations for what they really are: another slap in the face to democracy, in an attempt to prolong Trump's time in office.

It's a blatant abuse of power which Trump's cronies fail to acknowledge, merely because their moral compass is buried so deep within Trump's wallet. Either that, or they're too frightened to speak up on account of being fired. I've lost track of how many individuals Trump fired from his campaign because they either didn't agree with or amuse him anymore. It's definitely far too many to count on all fingers.

This is nothing new for the Trump campaign. Trump has a history with complaining about rigging or fraud, which I think is ironic coming from a president who was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But that's a part of the Trump narrative. When things don't go Trump's way, he acts out and causes disruption.

In fact, Hillary Clinton called him out on it during one of their debates back in 2016.

"Every time Donald thinks things aren't going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him," said Hillary.

For example, after the FBI conducted a year-long investigation into Clinton's emails and concluded there was no case, Trump claimed the FBI was rigged. When Trump lost the Iowa caucus and Wisconsin primary, he said the Republican primary was rigged. Then, when Trump University was sued for fraud and racketeering, Trump once again claimed the courts system was rigged.

Trump even tweeted the Emmy were rigged when he didn't receive an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row.

"This is a mindset. This is how Donald thinks. And it's funny, but it's also really troubling," Clinton stated. "That is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election."

But here's the thing, Trump is no ordinary candidate. Because in Trump's eyes, not only is he above the law, he is the law. That mindset goes for anyone who doesn't agree with him either. Just yesterday Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, because he apparently didn't support his political aspirations.


This move simply proves Trump is going to continue exercising his presidential power to the fullest, therefore making Biden's transition into the White House more difficult. In doing so he's sending a clear message to Biden, that the White House is still his and anyone who tries to snatch it from his hands will suffer under his wrath. Honestly, Trump's behavior has all the trimmings of a cheesy 80s cartoon villain.

But if there's one thing any cartoon series teaches us, it's that the villain always gets defeated and harmony is restored. So live it up while you still can, Donald. Your days in the White House are numbered.

Women founders continue to come up against common challenges and biases

Written by Kelly Devine, Division President UK & Ireland, Mastercard

Starting a business may have historically been perceived as a man’s game, but this couldn’t be further from reality. Research shows women are actually more likely than men to actively choose to start their own business – often motivated by the desire to be their own boss or to have a better work-life balance and spend more time with their family.

The recently published Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurship 2021 found that in the category of 'Aspiration Driven Entrepreneurship’ – capturing those who actively choose to start their own business – women in the UK surpass men: 60% vs 56%. And Mastercard research from February 2022 found 10% of female business owners started their business in the past two years compared to 6% of men – meaning women were 67% more likely to have started a business during the pandemic.

Yet, there are common challenges that women founders continue to come up against - not least the gender imbalance in the household and long-held biases which are still prevalent.

In the UK, women are almost three times more likely to be balancing care and home commitments than men, and this was exacerbated during the pandemic as the additional barriers of school closures and lockdowns meant that the care time of dependents rose significantly on a day-to-day level for women. In addition, women were less likely to have access to a home office, greatly impacting the work they were able to accomplish when working from home was the only option.

It's also widely known that female business owners are still more likely to struggle to access funding for their business ideas. According to Dealroom, all-women founding teams received just 1.4% of the €23.7bn invested into UK start-ups in 2021, while all-male leadership teams have taken almost 90% of the available capital.

Without financial support, and when juggling significant time pressures both at home and at work, how can women grow their companies and #BreaktheBias (as this year’s International Women’s Day termed it)? What tools or support can save them time and money, and give them the headspace they need to focus on building their business?

With female owned businesses collectively estimating revenue growth of £120 billion over the next five years, solving this problem is bigger than supporting women – it’s about supporting the national economy.

Using tech to level the playing field

There are clearly societal issues at play that need to be resolved. But when we look at the rise in technology businesses during the pandemic, we can plainly see an alternative source of support critical for business growth: digital tools.

A third of female business owners say new technologies will be crucial to the success of their business in the future and one in five say it is the most important thing for business growth.

With new technology comes new ways to pay, create, and work. And yet there are barriers that prevent business owners accessing this technology. Women are significantly more likely to say they want to use more digital tools but don’t know what is best for their business and also more concerned about the security of digital tools.

When technology is adopted by businesses – whether using online accounting solutions or messenger services for communicating with staff – it saves them time, allows them to maintain and grow their customer base, and ultimately increases cost savings and profit.

By drastically improving the training and support that is available to women-owned business to access and utilise technology we will allow these businesses to grow and succeed. And we know there is demand for it.

Research done by the IFC and Dalberg shows that female entrepreneurs are more likely to invest time and money in business development. This includes product development, customer base expansion, and digital tools and training and there are plenty of services available offering this type of support – many of them for free.

One such programme is Strive UK – an initiative of the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth – which aims to reach 650,000 micro and small business owners across the UK and empower them with the tools they need to thrive in the digital economy through free guidance, helpful tools and one-to-one mentoring.

Working together with small business experts – Enterprise Nation, Be the Business and Digital Boost – we hope to ensure hundreds of thousands of UK female business owners have the tools they need to succeed and reach their ambitious goals. Because this ambition remains strong in the UK, with female business owners largely optimistic about the future despite the multitude of challenges they are facing. Four in ten say they will grow their business in the next five years – compared to only a third of male business owners – and they’re also 35% less likely than men to say they plan to downsize or close the business.

But if we do not empower female entrepreneurs to access the tools and technology they need to grow, there is a risk this optimism could be misplaced. Support programmes that provide business owners with guidance and mentorship can help ensure this isn’t the case, allowing female entrepreneurs to not only survive but thrive in the months and years ahead.