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Tris has led Nesta Challenges from its origins as a Nesta experiment to being a global hub for expertise and insight on challenge prizes. His aim is to deliver challenge prizes that inspire and enable the development of high impact innovations Before joining Nesta, Tris co-founded and led the social enterprise Tempo and was included in the first cohort of the Observer’s New Radicals. Tris has also run a Welsh university think tank, founded a social sector consultancy and was a Teach First Geography teacher complete with corduroy jacket. In 2012 Tris was included on the Independent on Sunday’s ‘Happy List’ the alternative to the Sunday Times Rich List. Tris would rather be on the other list.

This week marks almost exactly one year since the UK was forced into lockdown for the first time, as the Covid-19 pandemic took hold across the world.

Over the past year, each of us has faced some form of loss, disruption or difficulty. Weddings have been postponed, families have been separated, and millions of workers are still furloughed or have seen their jobs disappear altogether.

It's been a testing time, to say the least.

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