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Factory farmed pigs

World Animal Protection
World Animal Protection seeks to create a world where animal welfare matters, and animal cruelty has ended. Active in more than 50 countries, we work directly with animals and with the people and organisations that can ensure animals are treated with respect and compassion. We hold consultative status at the Council of Europe and collaborate with national governments and the United Nations.

By: Virginie Kan, Acting UK Country Director, World Animal Protection

As the Acting UK Country Director of a global animal welfare charity, I want to ensure we take responsibility for communicating tothe public the very real link between how we treat healthy livestock on our farms and the growing risk of another global health crisis.

For most people, COVID-19 was a wake-up call like no other. For us at World Animal Protection, it spotlighted a myriad of issues we have long been campaigning for. Now another alarm bell is ringing—the superbug crisis in factory farming, where an overuse of antibiotics could make them ineffective in treating secondary infections in humans.

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