Trump and Biden face-off in tonight's presidential debate. I'm unsure of the outcome
Joe Biden and Donald Trump
The first presidential debate of 2020 is today at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, premiering at 9 pm Eastern time.
The anchor of Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace, has selected six topics that exclude the topic of climate change. Over 36 Democrats believe that climate change should be on that list. The topics that will be discussed are as follows:
1) Trump's and Biden's records
2) The Supreme Court
3) Covid-19
4) The economy
5) Race and violence in US cities
6) The integrity of the election
I believe that the $750 that Trump paid in federal income taxes will be the first thing Biden questions. Quite frankly, that is less than the average American's rent.
The average middle-class household in America paid approximately three times as much in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 as President Trump.
According to the New York Times, several polls show us that Joe Biden is leading in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. So, what does this mean? Well, Trump's attempt to shift a race he is losing will happen this evening.
Like many Americans, I am unsure about where this presidential election will take us. But, one thing that is for sure, this is the time where we all should bask in the presence of our loved ones and the community because if Trump is elected again, we may not get the peace we want for a while.
Just a little food for thought, non-whites made up nearly half of nonvoters, but only a quarter of voters.
Many of us wonder, if all people of color had voted for Hillary Clinton, would we have reacted to the alarming Covid-19 cases back in December immediately? Would we experience a decline in hate crimes?
I believe that Trump's America represents hatred towards people of color, immigrants, women, and the LGBT+ community. Four years ago, people laughed at the idea of him being President. People thought he was joking about building a wall. They also thought, "Oh, wow! The face of The Apprentice running for office is comical. It could never happen."
Well, guess again, it did.
I believe that the American people must vote for the right president and the right government officials.