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After 20 years of interventions, Western nations have abandoned a country at its most vulnerable moment

When President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan after a two-decade long war, criticisms of the decision came flooding in. Warning that the nation was very susceptible to a total seizure by the Taliban, politicians, charity organisations, and activists from all over the world could foresee the impending takeover.

Afghanistan has faced instability since the 1970s with the Communist uprising, the invasion of the USSR, and the US backed resistance to the invasion. Since then, the country, and surrounding region, has relied on international interventions in order to keep the Taliban at a minimal threat to personal and social freedoms. Since the decision to withdraw troops, twenty years of relative peace and growth has come crashing down. Yet, this did not garner more than a month's media attention, and as a result, the world has once again gone hush on the subject.

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